Better Healthcare, Better Tomorrow

Healthcare is wealth

Health Equity, Always

Welcome To Amsperry

Amsperry Health Care pvt Ltd with registered office at kochi is a leading marketing arm of branded generics with over hundred brands in pipeline.The company will establish firm footholds by the year 2014 to be a leading player in all the therapeutic ranges like Gastroentrology,Diabetology,Orthopaedic and General range.We are noble on patients,doctors and community. Amsperry Health care provides 100% quality medicine from leading manufactures having WHO GMP certified plant of an affordable cost. We are inspired by the renowned psychobiologist and Nobel laureate — Dr. Roger Wolcott Sperry; he has made numerous contributions in the field of medical science and has pioneered a new chapter in psychology. His contributions have opened new pathways for research. He has made profound discoveries in neuroscience and won Nobel Prize for the split- brain research.We are looking forward to make pivotal contribution in the lives of patients by providing better healthcare at an affordable price.

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Team Work

Recognize & respect each other

Innovative Approach

Continuous improvement

Work on Strength

Self confidence & Involvement
